Customs Data
Customs data指的是海关数据。这是讨论这个话题最直接和最常用的说法。
Imports and Exports
Trade Volume
Trade volume指贸易量。海关数据能反映一个时间段内的贸易总量。
Trade Value
Trade value指贸易值,即贸易总价值。通过海关数据可以看出进出口商品的总价值。
Trade Deficit and Surplus
Trade deficit指贸易逆差,surplus指贸易顺差。它们反映一个国家进出口的差额情况。
Commodity Breakdown
Commodity breakdown指商品结构。海关数据能展示各种商品在进出口贸易中所占的比例。
What is customs data in English?Customs data is referred to as "customs data" in English. This is the most direct and commonly used terminology when discussing this topic.
What terms describe imports and exports in customs data?"Imports" refer to products coming into a country, while "exports" refer to products leaving a country. Customs data contains import and export data for a given country.
How to describe the trade volume in English?The trade volume refers to the total amount of trade over a period of time. Customs data reflects the trade volume for imports and exports.
What is meant by trade value?The trade value refers to the total monetary value of the trade, i.e. the combined value of imported and exported goods. Customs data enables us to see the total trade value.
What terms refer to trade deficits and surpluses?A trade deficit refers to when a country's imports exceed its exports. A trade surplus is when a country's exports exceed its imports. Customs data can show a country's trade balance - deficit or surplus.
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